Time sure does fly fast. With the year halfway through, it makes you wonder where the past six months went. Did you make progress in the health goals you promised to achieve at the start of 2019?
Don’t worry if the numbers on that weighing scale didn’t go down. Or if those love handles aren’t as trimmed off as you want them to be. We’re all guilty of delaying having a healthy lifestyle. However, that’s not an excuse to forget about your promise of being more mindful about that you eat and working out regularly.
Losing weight and getting the body that you desire can be challenging. This is especially true if you feel that you don’t have the time, energy, and most especially discipline.
Worry no more. There’s a machine that can help you achieve your weight loss goals much faster and easier. ReduStim is the answer to your troubles. Learn more about how you can maintain a healthier and slimmer body with this treatment and other get-fit tips.

Losing weight and getting into shape requires a lot of effort, time, and energy. Most of which a modern man and woman don’t have lots of. Let’s get real, traveling to and from the office alone can eat up 2-4 hours of your day. You leave home before the sun rises and get home late.
Even stay-at-home parents cannot afford to spend time for themselves for too long. Kids and partners become a priority. But that doesn’t mean that you should sacrifice self-care, especially when it comes to your body. You can maintain a perfectly healthy body with efficient and time-saving treatment.
Excess Body Fat, Increased Health Risks
Did you know that there are two types of fat in your body? These are subcutaneous and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the kind that is found under the skin all over your body. This type of fat is harder to lose than visceral fat. However, it is also less risky for your health.
Visceral fat, on the other hand, is linked to various health concerns. It is found inside the abdominal cavity, surrounding your internal organs like kidneys, liver, and stomach. The more visceral fat that you have, the higher the risk of having various health issues.
Increased physical pressure on your internal organs can result in higher blood pressure and insulin levels. Insulin is what causes the body to store more fat. To effectively lose weight, you need to target visceral fat first, so your body burns fat more than it can store. When your body spends more energy than you consume, it reduces stored fat. This can help you lose weight and trim excess fat in various areas of the body.
ReduStim is a medical device that can help you lose weight, trim excess fat, and shape your body – all in just one treatment. It is suitable for those who want to have great body fast and easy.
ReduStim is the only medical device available that can target visceral fat with a non-invasive procedure. It uses BioStimology, a patented technology that creates BioMagnetic Field to help your body break down fats. This can reduce your weight and help you achieve the ideal body shape. Here are the benefits you can get from the treatment.
ReduStim comes with active straps that create low-frequency BioEnergetic field. It stimulates the calcium pump, causing muscle contractions of both smooth and striated muscles.
Striated muscles are attached to the skeleton. You can exercise these muscles because you can control them. Smooth muscle, on the other hand, is the type that makes up your organs. You can’t control them; therefore, they cannot be exercised.
This process uses energy, which is what reduces excess visceral fat around them. The active straps can be attached on abdomen, thighs, and legs. Treatment can reduce fat in these areas, leaving them slimmer.
ReduStim has a drainage protocol that can improve lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic system is responsible for draining waste, toxin, and excess fluid from the tissues into your blood. Your body filters these through lymph nodes. They contain immune cells that destroy the harmful substances in your blood.
The machine uses micropressure to improve lymphatic drainage, blood circulation, and metabolism. This treatment is beneficial for patients who are having a hard time doing physical activities.
Metabolism is important if you want to lose weight. It is the process where your body converts calories into energy. Slow metabolism means that you burn very few calories both when resting or when doing vigorous activities. The calories that your body does not burn are then stored as fats.
ReduStim treatment does not only reduce your weight or slim down your body. It can also prevent various health concerns like cardiovascular disease, diabetes type II, and infertility. These health issues are linked to excess visceral fat.
Reducing visceral fat through ReduStim treatment can restore hormonal balance and prevent rise in insulin levels. Patients who tried the treatment achieved lower BMI, which reduces the risk of these health concerns.
ReduStim can effectively reduce excess body fat. But getting the treatment alone doesn’t stop your body from gaining weight and storing excess fat again. That’s why you should follow a healthier lifestyle to maintain your ideal body weight and shape. Here are some easy tips that can help keep those pounds off.
- Drink More Water
Drinking more water is one of the best but most overlooked tips that you can do to lose weight. It can speed up your metabolism and helps you feel full longer. Sometimes, you can mistake thirst for hunger, which only makes you eat more. The recommended daily water intake is eight glasses, which is equivalent to 64 ounces or two liters.
- Eat Lean Meat
Eating healthy doesn’t mean cutting off meat from your diet completely. Meat is the number one source of protein, fiber, and minerals essential for nourishment. However, it is best for you to stick to lean meat or white meat (poultry and fish). They are high in protein and have the least amount of fat.
- Stick to A Protein-Rich Diet
Protein is an essential nutrient in your diet. It is considered a building block of skin, hair, muscles, bones, and even blood. To lose weight, it is important to build a protein-rich diet. It can make you feel fuller, so you don’t overeat. Protein also improves your metabolism, helping shed off some weight.
- Go for Whole Foods
Whole food is food that is not processed and is free from any type of artificial additive. Processed food, on the other hand, is high in calories and fat, which can increase your weight. Having a healthy diet means sticking to fresh, organic food that is rich in nutrients and minerals. You can get nourishment from whole foods without the unnecessary calories.
- Do Light Exercises
If you don’t have the luxury of time, you can still sneak in some light exercise at home. Something as simple as walking briskly for at least 30 minutes a day can help you shed some weight. Scientific studies show that light physical activities have significant benefit not only for your health but for your weight loss journey as well.
- Get Enough Sleep
Getting 7-9 hours of sleep can help your body rest and repair itself. When you lack sleep, your body releases more insulin, causing the body to store more fat. This can make you gain weight and increase the risk of getting type 2 diabetes. Lack of sleep also stimulates leptin and ghrelin, hormones linked to feelings of fullness and hunger. With enough sleep, you feel less hungry during the day.
Losing weight and being healthy shouldn’t ever need to feel like a chore. ReduStim was designed with that thought in mind. This safe and comfortable treatment gives you the body you desire without making you suffer. But make sure that you combine the treatment with a healthy lifestyle so you can get the long-term benefits. Get fit, stay healthy, and feel happy about your body with ReduStim!
Want to know what’s better than achieving your health goals? Getting fit and healthy together! Invite your friends, partner, and family to join you in your weight loss journey. Find out more about the machine and how it works here.
Read More: ReduStim | Medical Device for Reducing Abdominal Fat