
FotonaSmooth, Gentle Solution to Feminine Issues

SpectruMed January 31, 2020

FotonaSmooth, Gentle Solution to Feminine Issues

Throughout a woman’s lifetime, it’s impossible not to experience feminine issues at least once. These issues are often linked to puberty, menstruation, menopause, aging, pregnancy, sex, and even taking medication. Some of these health concerns can affect women’s daily life and even their confidence.

Yet despite how common these issues are, some women continue to suffer in silence because they think that this is the norm. That there is no solution.

But what if we tell you that there is a device that can help improve feminine health and restore a woman’s confidence again?

That device is FotonaSmooth.

FotonaSmooth is a laser device that’s built for women can get the treatment that they deserve. You can learn more about the most common feminine issues and how they affect women here.

Gentle Solutions to Feminine Issues

6 Common Feminine Issues

Women often fear judgment when they talk about their feminine issues. However, suffering from these issues can affect your daily life and even your confidence. Take a proactive approach towards better feminine health with FotonaSmooth. Below are some of the most common feminine issues that women experience throughout their life.

Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI)

Stress Urinary Incontinence or SUI is a common condition that may affect around 4% to 35% of adult women. It is caused by weak pelvic muscles. Women who suffer from SUI can experience leakage during activities or situations that put pressure on their abdomen. Heavy exercise and jumping are some examples. Mild coughing, sneezing, or laughing can cause leakage as well. FotonaSmooth delivers the best solution for SUI, as it activates collagen production while strengthening the tissues.

Vaginal Laxity

Vaginal laxity is a common concern for women, which may lead to feelings of insecurity. This can be caused by having an active sex life or the natural aging of women. Vaginal laxity can cause dissatisfaction for women and their partners during intercourse. This condition may also affect and contribute to urinary and bowel incontinence. FotonaSmooth IntimaLase is the best treatment that can tighten the intimate area and even improve overall quality of life.

Most Common Feminine Issues


Infection of the reproductive system can be sexually transmitted. However, there are also non-sexually-transmitted infections including yeast infection and bacterial vaginosis in women. It is important to watch out for the symptoms of infections so they can be treated early. The best way to avoid them is through hygiene and ensuring safe, protected intercourse.

Vaginal Dryness and Irritation

Dryness or lack of lubrication can lead to increased risk of infection. This can also cause women to feel an itchy and burning sensation in their feminine area, symptoms of irritation. Furthermore, dryness leads to painful intercourse between partners. Dryness can naturally occur as women age due to low estrogen levels. FotonaSmooth’s RenovaLase is a great solution to this feminine concern. It can be combined with other treatments for best results.

Early Menopausal Symptoms

Menopausal stage often occurs between the age of 45 to 55. However, some women can have menopause early or later in life. Menopause can cause a variety of symptoms including itchiness, weight gain, mood swings, dryness, and even SUI. These symptoms can be managed with FotonaSmooth treatment. RenovaLase is a laser treatment that stimulates the vaginal mucosa to improve lubrication and prevent dryness.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that has no specific cause and can affect women of all ages. Its effects include irregular menstruation, high androgen levels characterized by excess facial and body hair growth, and polycystic ovaries. PCOS can lead to other problems such as acne, male-pattern baldness, and even difficulty conceiving. Having a healthy diet, regular exercise, and taking medication may help improve PCOS.

Most Common Feminine Issues

FotonaSmooth: Gentle Solutions to Feminine Issues

Women now have FotonaSmooth, a gynecological laser that offers gentle, but efficient solution to feminine issues. Some of these feminine issues require surgical procedures that have long downtimes. For the modern woman, long downtime means taking days or even weeks off from their work or activities.

While there is an increasing demand for gynecological solutions, most women are afraid of having these surgical procedures. That’s why they would often go for holistic solutions that have little to no effect. FotonaSmooth is built to provide women with a comfortable treatment that can help them achieve better feminine health. Not only are the treatments comfortable, but they also have no downtime.

How FotonaSmooth Works on Feminine Issues

FotonaSmooth is a laser device that uses both Nd:YAG and Er:YAG laser wavelengths, which allows for the treatment of various feminine issues. The device can also be used for aesthetic improvement of the feminine area.

How FotonaSmooth Works

Er:YAG Laser Wavelength

Er:YAG is the laser wavelength that has the highest absorption rate in water. This laser is used for treatments that cause tightening, firming, and strengthening of tissues. Using this laser wavelength also ensures minimal downtime.

When used on the feminine area, FotonaSmooth Er:YAG laser can activate collagen remodeling. This is when collagen fibers shorten and become thicker, which pulls the tissue from the deeper layers upwards. The treatment also works to increase lubrication and even improve sensation in the treated area.

Nd:YAG Laser Wavelength

Women can also feel insecure about the appearance of their feminine area, especially those who are married or have partners. Applying creams or other topical products may not have significant effects on its appearance. But with FotonaSmooth’s Nd:YAG laser, aesthetic improvements are possible. The treatment can address pigmentation, warts, and vascular lesions. FotonaSmooth Nd:YAG laser also has a whitening effect on the treated area.

Better Feminine Health for Beautiful You

Better Feminine Health, Beautiful You

Women go through a lot of changes over the years. Puberty, pregnancy, and menopause – these are all stages that can also change a woman’s body. As a woman ages and their body changes, they may also feel less confident as they experience all these feminine issues.

Women feel that they are losing their beauty and strength because of these issues. Some activities such as SUI can also prevent women from enjoying activities that they would regularly do. But with FotonaSmooth, it is possible to restore feminine health and help women feel more confident again.

This no-downtime treatment is the key that can help you regain your confidence. With better feminine health, you feel stronger, more confident, and empowered. With FotonaSmooth, you can experience an improved quality of life.

Learn more about FotonaSmooth and how it works to treat gynecological issues when you visit our page here.

READ MORE: FotonaSmooth | Revolutionary Non-Surgical Laser Rejuvenation

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